Initial Ideas after seeing the exhibition

Initial Ideas after seeing the exhibition

Initial Ideas after seeing the exhibition

Initial Ideas after seeing the exhibition

Initial Ideas after seeing the exhibition

Initial Ideas after seeing the exhibition

I combined all my ideas together that I liked and drew a composition straight on to paper. I always feel it is better to just draw directly, I find that if you use pencil as a guide you tend to loose your spontaneity. Another advantage is that it speeds up the process and you think more about what you are doing. Unfortunately I don't have an A3 scanner so I had to scan in the drawing in 3 parts and assemble it in Photoshop.

I was not totally happy with everything in the composition, see if you can spot what I've changed from the previous version. If there was a lot that I was unhappy with I would just draw it again but the change is minimal and for the better of the composition.

The next step was taking it into Illustrator. I initially wanted to take inspiration from the colours used in the exhibition logo but I had a nagging feeling that it wasn't finished and was missing something.

Tadaaaa! I did have to swap some of the colours round make the introduction of yellow work. Just by adding an extra colour the design has been elivated to another level and communicates my message of fun and pop alot more. I think it's imperative that you develop the skill of self analysis and knowing when and when not to add to a piece of work.
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