Wednesday, 24 February 2010

The Art Exhange

I received an email this week from the designer maker Luke Twigger asking if I would produce a piece of art work for illustrator Kate Beckett through an art exchange. The way it works is 1 person invites 6 people to participate, they in turn invite 6 people who all create a piece of art for that first person. Then they invite six people and the sequence is repeated. I hope that makes sense, in the end you should receive 36 pieces of artwork from various creative types. This is a drawing I did for Kate Beckett with paint pens on MDF board, and it's called 'Mon Dieu'. I hope she likes it. If you want to be one of the artists I email drop me a line quick.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

To Haiti with love

Here is my contribution to the tragic situation in Haiti entitled 'Eat Love'. You will able to purchase this as a digital postcard and raise some much needed funds to help those involved. I will post back to let you know when it is available to buy, it should be in the next couple of weeks.

Want to know more? Go to
you can also follow what's happening @
If you would like to take part, please email

The Working Class Awards!

Tigz Rice and Monsieur Cabinet have thought of a brilliant idea to invent an awards contest that is free to all! If you're an illustrator, designer, photographer, infact if your creative at all get your behind over to and enter at once!

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Happy Valentines

I wish you a happy valentines day. My little doodle is about opposites attracting, this day being the only day of the year when an ardvark and an ant could conceivably get it on.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Little White Lies Kick Ass Comic

Here's my submission for the Little White Lies competition Kick-ass creative brief. The brief was to turn your favourite film in to a comic book. I don't usually work in this format, and trying to condense a film to 6 frames was a challenge, but I really enjoyed the process. I hope that shows through.

I chose one of my favourite films of all-time 'Enter the Dragon'. Bruce Lee is a true pioneer, paving the way for Kung-Fu in pretty much all action films today.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Glug 2010

The Basement in Brighton is such a great venue.
My friend Ben's robot is constructed from the amazingly fun PlayShapes. Unfortunately in a freak phone dropping incident my images were erased from time and space. However when the images are uploaded to the PlayShapes Flickr account, I'll post them on here.
My friend Ben's rather disturbing foetus. The frowny placenta was added after.

Here are some characters of mine that I drew on the giant board provided for all to doodle. Notice mine has been tagged! I feel privileged :)

Last Friday saw the second instalment of Glug Brighton. I have to say it was a freakin' awesome night, and it was a good chance to get to know some of my fellow creatives that live and work in Brighton and Hove. Apologies for the abysmal photos but I only had the camera on my phone, which I happened to drop several times.